Calculating execution time using script below:
$ php -r "\$tt=microtime();for(\$i=0;\$i<111120;\$i++) \
echo hash('crc32', microtime()).PHP_EOL;echo 'Time took: ' \
. (microtime()-\$tt).PHP_EOL;"
Results (multiple):
... Time took: 0.266269 ... Time took: -0.725037 ... Time took: 0.264577 ... Time took: 0.655573 ... Time took: -0.389367 ... Time took: -0.451503 ... Time took: 0.50867
Why time calculation some times returns negative value?
Pass the second parameter:
Otherwise you get a string instead of a real float value which leads to unexpected/wrong results:
By default, microtime() returns a string in the form "msec sec", where sec is the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (0:00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT), and msec is the number of microseconds that have elapsed since sec expressed in seconds.
(Emphasis mine)
microtime(): 0.93146600 1382611111 (string value)
microtime(true): 1382611111.93146600 (float, printed as a string in this case)