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Duplicate a Domino document in a web form

I have a Lotus Domino web application that uses plain old forms. The database already has some documents, and I want to clone one of the documents. So I thought that I could just issue an URL request like this:


This URL should open the form and prefill all form fields with those from the document with the ID 12345678. The user should then be able to edit all fields.

  • At which point can I intercept the form creation?
  • How do I access the newly created document that stores the form values?
  • Can I do all this in LotusScript, or do I have to use the formula language?


  • Just use an agent (Trigger: None). URL would be something like: /database.nsf/YourAgentname?OpenAgent&clone=12345678

    In the agent you can get the parameter like this:

    Dim ses as New NotesSession
    Dim docParam as NotesDocument
    Dim strQueryString as String
    '- Get the parameter- document
    Set docParam = ses.DocumentContext
    '- get the querystring
    strQueryString = docParam.getitemValue( "Query_String" )(0)
    '- querystring will be OpenAgent&clone=12345678
    '- here you can extract the id from the querystring
    '- then you get the document (if 12345678 is the noteid e.g by db.GetDocumentByID( ) 
    '- or if it is your own key by NotesView.GetDocumentbyKey()
    Set docOrigin = ....
    '- Now create a new doc 
    Set docClone = New NotesDocument( db )
    '- Fill the fields
    Call docClone.ReplaceItemValue( "Field1" , docOrigin.GetItemValue( "Field1" ) )
    '- Or all at once
    Call docOrigin.CopyAllItems( docClone )
    '- Here is the trick: Redirect to the new document using the agent output:
    Print "[/" & db.HttpURL & "/_/" & docClone.Universalid & "?EditDocument" & "]"

    The Brackets make the browser directly redirect to that page...

    This code was just written from "memory" and might contain Typos / logical errors, but it should be a good starting point...