I am currently building a website where people can visit and enter a distance that they have run, swimmed, hiked or skiied. It's my first website and I didn't know anything about coding 2-3 months ago so have that in mind.
I have created a table where this is stored and also a leaderboard.php that fetches the data to a leaderboard.
This is how it looks right now:
Insert into table:
if (!mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO total(username, type, distance) VALUES ('$username', '$type', '$distance')"))
And to fetch the data into a leaderboard:
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT username, distance FROM total ORDER BY distance DESC");
$rank= 1;
if (mysqli_num_rows($result)) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<tr><td>{$rank}</td>
The problem with this is that when someone enters their username/type/distance it creates new rows. So a person can have different ranks. I want the leaderboard to sum up all the distances from the different types of activities per user.
What is the proper coding for that? If possible I would like to only alter the leaderboard.php and not the table, cause I'm using that data for other parts of the site as well.
Try this
SELECT username, sum(distance) as total_distance FROM total group by username ORDER BY total_distance desc;
Instead of
SELECT username, distance FROM total ORDER BY distance DESC;
and let me know if its working or not.