I'm working on a higher-order theorem prover, of which unification seems to be the most difficult subproblem.
If Huet's algorithm is still considered state-of-the-art, does anyone have any links to explanations of it that are written to be understood by a programmer rather than a mathematician?
Or even any examples of where it works and the usual first-order algorithm doesn't?
State of the art — yes, so far as I know all algorithms more or less take the same shape as Huet's (I follow theory of logic programming, although my expertise is tangential) provided you need full higher-order matching: subproblems such as higher-order matching (unification where one term is closed), and Dale Miller's pattern calculus, are decidable.
Note that Huet's algorithm is the best in the following sense — it is like a semi-decision algorithm, in that it will find the unifiers if they exist, but it is not guaranteed to terminate if they do not. Since we know that higher-order unification (indeed, second-order unification) is undecidable, you can't do better than that.
Explanations: The first four chapters of Conal Elliott's PhD thesis, Extensions and Applications of Higher-Order Unification should fit the bill. That part weighs almost 80 pages, with some dense type theory, but its well motivated, and is the most readable account I've seen.
Examples: Huet's algorithm will come up with the goods for this example: [X(o), Y(succ(0))]; which of necessity will perplex a first-order unification algorithm.