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Haskell Control.Lens Traversing Prism

I have a deeply nested data structure, and I'm using Control.Lens.* to simplify accessing its values in a state monad.

So consider the following:

data Config = Config { _foo :: Maybe Int
                     , _bar :: Int

$(makeLenses ''Config)

How do I operate "functorially" over the Maybe? I'd like to write an idiomatic getter that does:

config = Config (Just 1) 0
config^ fmap (+1) == Just 2

Better still, how would we handle the case when Config is nested deeper?

data Config = { _foo :: Maybe Foo }
data Foo = Foo { _bar :: Bar }
data Bar = Bar Int
$(makeLenses ''Bar)
$(makeLenses ''Foo)

Can we use the accessors foo and bar to Maybe return a modified Bar?


  • You'll want to use a Prism to (maybe) go into the the Just branch.

    >>> let config' = config & foo . _Just .~ (+1)
        in  config' ^. foo
    Just 2

    And then this Prism will compose just the same as other lenses, forming Traversals.

    foo . _Just . bar . _Bar :: Traversal' Config Int

    Take a look at some tutorials I wrote on lens that spend a little time examining how Lens and Prism relate: