I have an application which relies heavily on the hstore type in postgres. The Issue I can't seem to get over is making the hstore searchable in sunspot. Here is some code I am working on
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# properties is type hstore
%w[price condition website].each do |key|
store_accessor :properties, key
searchable :auto_index => false, :auto_remove => false do
text :title, :boost => 5.0
integer :category
integer :subcategory
# this is whats giving me the problem
string :properties["price"]
I have tried adding different types but nothing seems to work. Is this a feature not yet supported?
Hstore is basically a hash it stores keys and values so all you have to do is iterate over the the keys and look them up.
Here is the working code:
searchable :auto_index => false, :auto_remove => false do
text :title, :boost => 5.0
integer :category
integer :subcategory
%w[price condition website].each do |key|
string key.to_sym do
hopefully in the future they'll have support for
hstore :properties