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Adding Role dynamically in new VS 2013 Identity UserManager

I created a new MVC application in the new VS2013 IDE. I added the following to the Login Action on the AccountController as I wanted to create a default user dynamically:

var admin = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = "administrator" };
var result = UserManager.Create(admin, "administrator");

This works great, I then wanted to put this default user into a new default role:

user = UserManager.FindByName("administrator");
var roleresult = UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id,"admin");

The second line errors because obviously it can't find the role "admin" as it doesn't exist yet, but I can't find a relevant method on the UserManager to do so. Where can I find the method to add roles dynamically?


  • Here is how I did it. I have a Dictionary userRoles with preauthorized {userName, role} key - value pairs :

    private void setRoles()
        using(var rm = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(new ApplicationDbContext())))
        using(var um = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext())))
            foreach (var item in userRoles)
                if (!rm.RoleExists(item.Value))
                    var roleResult = rm.Create(new IdentityRole(item.Value));
                    if (!roleResult.Succeeded)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Creating role " + item.Value + "failed with error(s): " + roleResult.Errors);
                var user = um.FindByName(item.Key);
                if (!um.IsInRole(user.Id, item.Value))
                    var userResult = um.AddToRole(user.Id, item.Value);
                    if (!userResult.Succeeded)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Adding user '" + item.Key + "' to '" + item.Value + "' role failed with error(s): " + userResult.Errors);