I have a simple flowscript function that will do this:
username : "SomeName"
In my sitemap.xmap I have this configuration:
<map:pipeline internal-only="true">
<map:match pattern="page/*">
<map:generate src="xml/{1}.xml"/>
<map:transform src="xslt/html.xslt"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>
I'm using xsl:stylesheet in the html.xslt file to read values from the page.xml-file. It's simple and straight forward (and works as expected).
However: I want to read flowscript values (here: username) in the page.xml-file in order to pass it on to the html.xslt-file. Can this be done by jx:template? (Examples I've found uses that, but they don't work well in Apache Cocoon 2.2, only earlier versions..) If not jx:template's the solution: what else is there?
To read values from flowscript, you can use the JX Template Generator. But unlike Cocoon 2.1 and earlier versions you shouldn't have an explicit reference to org.apache.cocoon.generation.JXTemplateGenerator in the map:generator-section of your sitemap.
For future reference, here's the solution (using Apache Cocoon 2.2 and Maven 3.0.4):
1) Make sure your pom.xml has a dependency to cocoon-template-impl (the JXTemplateGenerator has been moved here)
Verify that your Maven repository contains the library. If not: install it.
2) In flowscript: have a function that will set some values and make a call to .SendPage()/.SendPageAndWait()
username : "SomeName"
3) In sitemap.xmap: when generating XML-files, make sure they have type="jx"
<map:pipeline internal-only="true">
<map:match pattern="page/*">
<map:generate type="jx" src="xml/{1}.jx.xml"/>
<map:transform src="xslt/page.xslt"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>
4) In your .jx.xml-file: read values like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jx:template xmlns:jx="http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0">
<!-- Select values from flowscript -->
5) In your .xslt-file you can read the generated value like this
<xsl:value-of select="valuesFromFlowscript/username"/>