tl;dr: Used the httplib to create a connection to a site. I failed, I'd love some guidance!
I've ran into some trouble. Read about socket and httplib of python's, altough I have some problems with the syntax, it seems.
Here is it:
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 80, timeout=10,
The syntax is this:
httplib.HTTPConnection(host[, port[, strict[, timeout[, source_address]]]])
How does "source_address" behave? Can I make requests with any IP from it? Wouldn't I need an User-Agent for it?
Also, how do I check if the connect is successful?
if connection:
print "Connection Successful."
(As far as I know, HTTP doesn't need a "are you alive" ping every one second, as long as both client & server are okay, when a request is made, it'll be processed. So I can't constantly ping.)
Creating the object does not actually connect to the website:
Connect to the server specified when the object was created.
seems to be sent to the server with any request, but it doesn't
seem to have any effect. I'm not sure why you'd need to use a User-Agent for it.
Either way, it is an optional parameter.
You don't seem to be able to check if a connection was made, either, which is strange.
Assuming what you want to do is get the contents of the website root, you can use this:
from httplib import HTTPConnection
conn = HTTPConnection("", 80, timeout=10)
conn.request("GET", "")
resp = conn.getresponse()
data =
(slammed together from the HTTPConnection documentation)
Honestly though, you should not be using httplib
, but instead urllib2
or another HTTP library that is less... low-level.