I have a similar situation explain on this thread (XCode 5 Storyboard Internal Inconsistencies), but I installed the final version of the Xcode and never installed any beta version. Additionally, I can't add comments in previous thread cause I don't have enough points. So i need to ask my specific case.
In XCode 5, I have a problem with all of my projects "The document 'main.storyboard' has X internal inconsistencies that were found and repaired. Please save this document to fix the inconsistencies."
If you choose to list the inconsistencies, you see that it's saying that some Images in my resources section, that uses this image, and is duplicating in the Storyboard. I try to save the document, but it does nothing, and when I relaunch the project, I get the same error.
I try all this things with NO SUCCESS:
In my research, also I create a new project in XCode 5, add a same image in two objects inside Storyboard and got the same message.
Anyone have the similar problem?, and more important, anyone have a solution?
I have XCode 5 and OSX 10.8.5.
**** UPDATE ***** I found a workaround. The error is generated when one image inside the storyboard is used several times, if you delete the reference of the image and assign the image to the object by code, the error disappears, but I don't like it. I'll research a little more, but apparently is a bug from Xcode (I hope not).
After installing Mavericks and Xcode 5.0.1 the problem was fixed.