Search code examples

Ember.js - build a link dynamically using input values

Using ember.js I have an input:

{{input id="my_input" name="my_input" type="text"}}

Then I want to create a link, using linkTo, but want the value of the input to be part of the href. Like this:

{{#linkTo 'my_resource' my_input}}the link{{/linkTo}}

I have the resource defined like this: {
    this.resource("my_resource", {path: ":my_input"});

Is that possible?



  • Definitely: {
      this.resource('search', {path:'search/:search_text'});
    App.SearchRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function(params){
      // at this point params.search_text will have
      // what you searched for
      // since you are sending a string, it will hit the model
      // hook, had you sent an object it would have skipped this
      // hook and just used the object as your model
        return { searchInThisRoute: params.search_text};
    <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
     <h2>Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
      {{input value=searchText}}
      {{#link-to 'search' searchText}} Go To Search{{/link-to}}

    PS: This actually seems like it would make more sense as a button and using Ember Actions, but this works just as dandy.