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add a contact to BBM from my BB 10 cascades app

I am new to BB 10 cascades and Black berry Platform provided features. I would like to add a contact say 3BDAEE2D to BBM Contacts from my BB 10 Cascades Application. How to do it Programatically? please suggest me a way so that I can Quickly solve it...


Hi MSohm,

your post is worked for me ,but small problem.

Please find this!!!

InvokeActionItem {
                    title: qsTr("Support") + Retranslate.onLanguageChanged
                    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow

                    imageSource: "asset:///images/support_icon.png"
                    query {
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.INVITEBBM"
                        uri: "pin:2ADAEE2F"

I am using this. but when I switch language option from English to Arabic in my app, Its is displaying Arabic language very first time and It is never changing again even when I change my language option from Arabic to English next time.

when I close the app and open again then it is showing corresponding language which was selected previously.

I want to do it,but didn't get how to do that...

Please Help!!!


  • You can do this by invoking BBM using Invite to BBM. Here is an example of how to do it in QML.

    InvokeActionItem {
    title: "Invite to BBM"
    query {
        invokeActionId: "bb.action.INVITEBBM"
        uri: "pin:3BDAEE2D"

    Documentation on this can be found here: