I am running a Finatra server (https://github.com/capotej/finatra) which a sinatra inspired web framework for scala built on top of Finagle (an asynchronous RPC system). The application should be design to receive something between 10 and 50 requests concurrently. Each request is quite CPU intensive, mostly due to parsing and serializing large JSON's and operation on arrays, like sorting, grouping, etc...
Now I am wondering what is the impact of the following parameters on performance and how to combine them :
As a partial response, I would say :
I want to compare performance regardless of the the code, only focusing on hardware/threading model. Let's assume the code is already optimized. Additional information :
Thanks !!!
The performance and overall behaviour will still depend on your own code, outside of the framework you are using. In other words, you have correctly listed the major factors which will influence performance, but your own code will have such a significant impact on it that it's almost impossible to tell in advance.
Offhand, I'd say that you need to characterize some things about your application in more detail:
... but if your application is really simple, does not hit the disk much (or at all.. your request may be read-only and everything gets cached), and you are CPU-bound, simply sticking enough CPU cores in your server will be the most significant thing you can do.