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2222: Index name is not unique (TimesTen)

I have created two indexes on different materialized views with the same name in TimesTen and now cannot drop neither of them. If try to I get the following error message:

2222: Index name is not unique

Could you please advise me how could I get rid of one (or at least both) of these indexes?

Thank you!


  • Oracle doesn't permit the creation of index with the same name in the same schema. Are your indexes in seperate schemas? if Yes, then please specify your schema.index_name while deletion.To check the schemas of index , you can query all_indexes.

    select * from all_indexes where index_name = 'put your index name here';

    Then you can log in to one of the schemas and run delete schema_name.index_name. It must be a privilege issue hence you are getting an error