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MQCONN ended with reason code 2035

I have recently installed Websphere MQ 7.5 on solaris machines. I was trying to test communication between workstations from here. When i ran

./amqsputc QUEUE1 saturn.queue.manager

It's giving output as

Sample AMQSPUT0 start

MQCONN ended with reason code 2035

I tried changing authorization for mqm user.

setmqaut -m saturn.queue.manager -n queue1 -t queue -p mqm +all

and refreshed cache for saturn.queue.manager, still getting same error when trying to run "amqsputc ". What can be wrong?


  • Well, I might be better consulting to the v7.5 documentation rather than v6.

    Which host are you on when you are running this test? Which user is running the amqsputc command?

    Your environment might not be set up. Try this:

    export MQSERVER="Channel_Name/TCP/IP_or_Hostname(port_number)"