Search code examples

Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types in linq expression

var gFieldList = new List<string>() { "Supplier", "Country" };
    var sFieldList = new List<string>() { "Sales"};

     var gField = string.Join(", ", gFieldList.Select(x => "it[\"" + x + "\"] as " + x));
     var sField = string.Join(", ", sFieldList.Select(y => "Sum(Convert.ToDouble(it[\""+y+"\"])) as "+y));

         var newSort = dataTable
                        .GroupBy("new("+gField+")", "it")
                        .Select("new("+sField+",it.Key as Key, it as Data)");

var groupedData = (from dynamic dat in newSort select dat).ToList();

throwing exception

Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.

in the last line,

var groupedData = (from dynamic dat in newSort select dat).ToList();

How to solve this issue?


  • EDIT2: try change your Convert like this

    sFieldList.Select(y => "Sum(Convert.ToDouble(iif(it[\""+y+"\"] == @0,0,it[\""+y+"\"]))) as "+y)

    and then

    var newSort = dataTable
                    .GroupBy("new("+gField+")", "it")
                    .Select("new("+sField+",it.Key as Key, it as Data)",DBNull.Value);

    UPDATE2: for round Sum result try this:

    sFieldList.Select(y => "Sum(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(iif(it[\""+y+"\"] == @0,0,it[\""+y+"\"])),2)) as "+y)