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Are cocoa bindings reliable?

My question is simple: are cocoa bindings reliable and usefull in production apps or are they just a gimmick for beginners?

I am asking this question because I have almost no experience with bindings and I'm seriously considering using them on my next OSX app.

I hope this topic can be a good place for people to talk about their experiences with bindings and it's pros and cons.



  •  Are cocoa bindings reliable?

    The simple and short answer, Yes bindings are reliable.

    My question is simple: are cocoa bindings reliable and useful in production apps 
    or are they just a gimmick for beginners?

    Yes it is reliable and the advantage of bindings is it will reduce the coding efforts of programmers. With the use of bindings, we can reduce writing the code. But each and every thing is not possible through binding. So wherever its required there only we can use binding. And also it is useful in production apps as well.