I'm going through the Learn Ruby the Hard Way - ex40
Currently, the code works fine. That is not my problem. My problem is every time I add a new song. A) I need to create an instance variable inside the initialize method. B) Then, I have to give it an attr_reader.
What I know if I can A) not have to keep creating new instance variable, but simply variables inside the Song class. B) Not have to create an attr_reader for each variable.
class Song
def initialize()
@jcole_lighter = "Come here, I\'m about to take you higher"
@hold_on_drake = ["Cause you\'re a good girl and you know it",
"You act so different around me",
"Cause you\'re a good girl and you know it"]
def sing_me_a_song()
for line in initialize
puts line
attr_reader :jcole_lighter
attr_reader :hold_on_drake
thing = Song.new
puts thing.jcole_lighter()
puts "-"*10
thing= Song.new
puts thing.hold_on_drake()
Check this out for a good explanation of attr_reader
, attr_writer
, and attr_accessor
And check this out for learning how to add parameters to the constructor.
You could have :attr_accessor :artists
inside Song
and in initialize
do this:
@artists = Array.new
Then you can have a method add
def add(artist)
@artists << artist
Just an idea. Always happy to help a Drake fan.