I have two applications in one device. For iOS 7 both applications are sending different device tokens but for iOS 6 both apps are sending same device token.
As per my understanding device token has to be same for all the application in one device. Is there something different in iOS7 than iOS 6?
This one was also helpful.Please see point 1 in this article: https://support.urbanairship.com/customer/portal/articles/1321513-how-ios-7-handles-push-differently
"Prior to iOS 7, the device token was the same across all app installations on a given device. Different apps on your phone, whether Tap Tap Revenge or USA Today, would utilize the same address, i.e., device token, to route the push notification to you. The security credentials that you pair with a message would ensure it made it to the right app. On iOS 7, Apple has gone one step further and made sure that device tokens are now different in every single app install. This helps further protect users’ privacy by removing another phone-level identifier."