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Model isn't populating with data when the collection is called. Backbone and Django-Tastypie

I'm having trouble seeing why models aren't showing up when my collection view instantiates. The array is called, and when I call notes.models I get the right number of records. But, the console.log(note) is supposed to be called, nothing happens. So, the fetch seems to be working, and there is data, I can see it in the response, it's just not being passed into the collection.each view. Any help is welcome. Here's everything.

The TastpieCollection and TasttypieModel come from which seems to work really well.

$(function() {

    // Note: The model and collection are extended from TastypieModel and TastypieCollection
    // to handle the parsing and URLs

    window.Note = TastypieModel.extend({});

    window.Notes = TastypieCollection.extend({
        model: Note,
        url: NOTES_API_URL

    // starts by assigning the collection to a variable so that it can load the collection
    window.notes = new Notes();

    window.NoteView = Backbone.View.extend({

        className: "panel panel-default note",
        template: _.template($('#notes-item').html()),

        initialize: function () {
            _.bindAll(this, 'render');
            this.model.bind('change', this.render);
        render: function() {
            return this;

    window.NoteListView = Backbone.View.extend({

        id: "notes-block",
        className: "panel panel-info",
        template: _.template($('#notes-item-list').html()),

        initialize: function () {
            _.bindAll(this, 'render');
            this.collection.bind('change', this.render);
        render: function() {
                //var view = new NoteView({ model: note });
            return this;

    window.NotesRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            "": "list",
            'blank': 'blank'
        initialize: function() {
            this.notesView = new NoteListView({
                collection: window.notes
        list: function () {
        blank: function() {
            $('#app').text('Another view');

    window.notesRouter = new NotesRouter();


  • The answer is that it is working. It's not working they way I want, but the code above does work. So I'm going to ask this question in a different way to get to the heart of the issue.