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Blocking Scoped outputs

I dont know whether this question has been asked before or not .I searched but couldn't find any duplicate question. If you find any related question please mention the link.

public class Exp 
         System.out.println("Hello");      //3
    {    System.out.println("Hello")};    //1
    {    static{System.out.print("x");}   //2

The order of printing of messages is 2,1,3.

What are the significance of these lines 1 & 2 and why that exec order


  • Line "1" is an instance initializer, which runs when an object is first created, before any constructors are called.

    Line "2" is a static initializer, which runs when a class is first loaded, before any objects are created.

    Section 12.5 of the JLS specifies when instance initializers are run:

    Just before a reference to the newly created object is returned as the result, the indicated constructor is processed to initialize the new object using the following procedure:

    Assign the arguments for the constructor to newly created parameter variables for this constructor invocation.

    If this constructor begins with an explicit constructor invocation (§ of another constructor in the same class (using this), then evaluate the arguments and process that constructor invocation recursively using these same five steps. If that constructor invocation completes abruptly, then this procedure completes abruptly for the same reason; otherwise, continue with step 5.

    This constructor does not begin with an explicit constructor invocation of another constructor in the same class (using this). If this constructor is for a class other than Object, then this constructor will begin with an explicit or implicit invocation of a superclass constructor (using super). Evaluate the arguments and process that superclass constructor invocation recursively using these same five steps. If that constructor invocation completes abruptly, then this procedure completes abruptly for the same reason. Otherwise, continue with step 4.

    Execute the instance initializers and instance variable initializers for this class, assigning the values of instance variable initializers to the corresponding instance variables, in the left-to-right order in which they appear textually in the source code for the class. If execution of any of these initializers results in an exception, then no further initializers are processed and this procedure completes abruptly with that same exception. Otherwise, continue with step 5.

    Execute the rest of the body of this constructor. If that execution completes abruptly, then this procedure completes abruptly for the same reason. Otherwise, this procedure completes normally.

    (emphasis mine)

    The rest of the body of the constructor is executed after the instance initializer.