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How to add canonical tag in Dotnetnuke 7.0

I am designing a website using Dotnetnuke latest version 7.1. I wanted make my website search engine friendly. I got options to add meta keywords, description. Another thing i wanted on my site is canonical tags for all the pages in the site. I stumbled upon many forums which gave an idea about manually adding canonical tags in Page header section for each page but these tutorials were written based on DNN 4.x and 5.x.

Since DNN7 pages doesnt have page extension like .aspx as previous versions did. Is their any possibility to automatically add canonical tags in DNN 7.x like any module or any technique add canonical for the same.

Thanka in advance,


  • You can do this with the default settings for the base Page URL's.

    Go to "Admin" -> "Site Settings" while logged in as a Host user. Under the Portal Aliases section you can set "canonical" as the preferred option.