I am trying to use the API of Passslot to create new passes in my application. Like the example showed I did the following:
[PassSlot start:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleIdentifier"]]];
NSDictionary *values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"John", @"firstName" ,
@"Doe", @"lastName",
@"2012", @"memberSince", nil];
[PassSlot createPassFromTemplateWithName:@"Member Card" withValues:values
andRequestInstallation:self completion:^{
NSLog(@"PassSlot is SO EASY!");
The application does not throw any errors, the pass itself is just not created (so also the callback function isn't called). I assume that the start of the PassSlot isn't correct. Does anybody know how to get to the "app key"? http://www.passslot.com/
You'll need to register on the site so that you can get an API key and also upload your own Passkit certificate.