An application we're developing for a customer is running more or less fine on our internal development servers (V 8.5.3 with UP1 and FP5 as well as a secondary V 9). Our development is done using V 9 designer clients.
Yesterday we pushed a test version onto the customer's server (V 8.5.3 FP5 / UP1). The result rendered by their server however is completely different from what we get from our servers. It turns out that only custom style sheets are rendered while everything that usually should be coming from the server's webstandard theme is completely missing: no xsp.css, xsp_ie.css and the likes. Thus the pages are completely unusable: tabbed panels are rendered as standard elements, rich text editors are completely broken, just to name a few things.
We had the local admins check the server file system: webstandard theme appears to be there, and accessible to everyone.
Has anyone ever come across something like that? In 4 years of developing Xpages I've never seen something like that, at the moment I'm completely clueless in what to try next.
I really hope that this is just a minor flaw easy to be resolved.
This is hilarious: for security reasons the customer's admins deleted all files from the server's file system that they thought weren't needed. For some reasons they left the themes but removed all resources like css and js files (including all dojo dirs). No, I won't tell any names. Lesson learned: never just assume a customer's setup to be fully functional until this fact is properly proved ;)