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How to fill out the SD card using adb push

I need to fill out the SD card (0kb as free space), so, I am using the following batch to copy file "Maroon.file" (25mb) with different names on the sdcard (Maroon_1.file, Maroon_2.file, ...)

set counter=0
set /a counter=%counter% + 1
adb push Maroon.file /sdcard/Download/Maroon_%counter%.file | findstr /L "failed" |  findstr /C:"failed to" 
echo %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel%==1 (

When the SD card has no more memory to copy any other file the adb push gives this message "failed to copy 'Maroon.file' to '/sdcard/Download/Maroon_4.file': No space left on device", I am trying to catch that message with the findstr commands searching by the word "failed", I have tested that command (findstr) and works fine separated but with the adb push command It does not work. Someone has any other idea?


  • Does the error message still display even though you pipe to findstr?

    If so, then the error is probably being written out onto the stderr (2) stream instead of the stdout (1) stream. Add this stream redirect to your command. 2>&1

    adb push Maroon.file /sdcard/Download/Maroon_%counter%.file 2>&1 | findstr /L "failed" | findstr /C:"failed to"