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How to implement Mozilla's client-side JS / HTML5 pdf viewer?

I've been trying for a while to install pdf.js on my server so that I can display a PDF in a viewer like they have in their demo:

The problem is, I can't get the pdf to appear whatever I do. I've tried even uploading the whole directory with all its files and sub-directories to my server with the default pdf in place, but even that doesn't show the pdf!

These are all the files in the directory on my server:

Does anyone know the correct way to implement this or is there a step-by-step guide out there that shows how to do it that I've missed? I'm assuming I don't need all the files in that directory either right?

Thanks for any guidance, really need it!


  • You have to build the project using node make generic according to the build instructions on

    After having placed the built files on a web server you can add the file query string to the url, e.g. http://server/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=http://server/some.pdf.