I'm developing an iPhone application for a company, they do not want to publish the app to the app-store. So, i have enrolled with iphone enterprise developer program with 299$. My question is how to distribute App to internal company employees without registering their UDIDs? Do i need to send modified .app file with provision profile to individual App user through mail to install this iPhone application? I`m familiar with IOS developer program but the iPhone Enterprise Developer Program is designed not to allow you to publish apps to the App Store. So can anyone please suggest me that How to distribute the app to our company employees and how an updating this same app works ? I have seen some answers related to this but it was not clear.
Thanks in advance.
I recommend the same to everybody that asks this question, use TestFlight for that:
You can invite people to your app in TestFlight and distribute it from there. They will receive an email with the new app every time you update.