I try to import my existing customers to the new site which is prepared using prestashop. I prepared the cvs file as in the samples.I have over 17000 existing customer records. When I tried to import whole file I managed to insert around 5000 records. I thought that maybe this number is too high for prestashop it causes some memory problems. Later I divided original file into smaller files which have 5000 records at most than I could import around 1500 records :) Later I tried file with 1000 records result was even smaller.
In the end I tried file with 200 records at most and I could import around 87 using cvsimport. This is meaningless. Everytime I clear the table before cvsimport... I don't get an error. It looks like import finishes correctly but when I check the # of records I see the bad result....
Is this a known issue? How can I solve this ?
I also inserted the customers usind sql script. I utilized excel to prepare the sql scripts. First I divided my data to 17 different tabs later I prepared sql for 1000 records at most. Even if I enter data with sql script I had problem with data bigger than 1000 records.
This is a sample sql
INSERT INTO ps_customer
, id_gender
, email
, lastname
, firstname
, newsletter
(1,9, "email@yahoo.com", MD5(CONCAT('cookiekeycookiekeycookiekey','password')),"surname","name",1,1);
Later you should run the script below otherwise you can not login
INSERT INTO ps_customer_group
(id_customer,id_group) SELECT id_customer,3 FROM ps_customer WHERE id_customer NOT IN (SELECT id_customer FROM ps_customer_group
In my existing data I had the address in the same table but in prestashop adres is stored in another table. I prepared the sql below to use the customerid s in address table.
INSERT INTO ps_address
, id_country
, id_state
, alias
, company
, lastname
, firstname
, address1
, postcode
, city
, phone
, phone_mobile
, vat_number
(( SELECT id_customer
FROM ps_customer
WHERE email
= "email@hotmail.com" ), 211 , 0 , " Adres1 "," "," Surname "," Name ","Adress details "," 10000 "," İstanbul "," tel1 "," mobile tel "," "));
That all ...