Cant get the code below to sort the Combobox (drpBox2) correctly.
BindingSource bsAddresses = new BindingSource();
bsAddresses.DataSource = searchedAddr;
bsAddresses.Sort = "timesUsed ASC";
drpBox2.DataSource = bsAddresses.DataSource;
drpBox2.DisplayMember = "address";
How can I make it work?
There is a simple error in the code, when using a BindingSource you must bind your Controls to the BS directly, not to its DataSource. In your Code, both bsAddresses
and drpBox2
are bound to searchedAddr
so the sorted BindingSource is not used at all. Fixed code:
BindingSource bsAddresses = new BindingSource();
bsAddresses.DataSource = searchedAddr;
bsAddresses.Sort = "timesUsed ASC";
drpBox2.DataSource = bsAddresses;
drpBox2.DisplayMember = "address";