I can't use any of the gems for creating clean Urls in rails. Instead I am rolling out my own implementation. I have created the following entry in routes.rb
match "/:slug" => "cleanurls#index"
Where cleanurl is a controller for handling all such requests. In the cleanurl controller:
class CleanurlsController < ApplicationController
def index
slug = params['slug']
url = Url.where(:slug => slug).first
when 'profile'
user_id = url.id.to_i
@profile = Profile_info.getProfileDetails(user_id)
render '/profiles/index'
I have created the table urls
which stores the slug
(as relevant) and the type of page
. Right now I have only the profile page to deal with but in the future I will have different types of pages with clean urls.
My first Question:
1) Is this implementation the right approach? And is this okay from a performance perspective given the tables have all the right indexes.
I am making the profile url like this:
def self.makeProfileUrl(id,name)
name = name.strip.titleize
extension = User.where(:name => name).count - 1
slug = name.split(" ").join("-")
if extension != 0
slug += "-#{extension}"
Url.create(:slug => slug, :id => id.to_i, :url_type => 'profile')
I am using extension to append a count in case their are users who share the same name.
Is this the right way to create the slug and ensure it being unique? Fetching the count of a name from the other table does not seem right.
Answering the question #1:
I don't know the details of what's your overall goal, but if you'd like to have such URLs that are based on records from the database - then yes: it's a good approach.
Answering question #2 (regarding slugs):
I'd rather use something much more elaborate and well tested like: https://github.com/norman/friendly_id
My 50 cents about some other things:
Is this one of your first projects in Ruby/Rails? If so - congratulations! :) I'm asking because I noticed that you're using camel case here and there...
user_id = url.id.to_i
Why do you call this #to_i method here? Did you set up this id as a string or something?
Hope this helps