All of the classes that I'm working on have Create()/Destroy() ( or Initialize()/Finalized() ) methods.
The return value of the Create() method is bool like below.
bool MyClass::Create(...);
So I can check whether initialization of the instance is successful or not from the return value.
Without Create()/Destroy() I can do the same job in constructor() and destructor() but I can't solve below problem.
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
I cannot use exceptions because my company doesn't like it.
class Foo
AnotherClass a;
if(a.Initialize() == false)
//Can I notify the failure to the user of this class without using exception?
Foo obj;
If you don't want to use exceptions, there are two ways to let the caller know whether the constructor succeeded or not:
If you go with either of these techniques, make sure your destructor can handle an instance where the constructor has failed.