What is the best way to set a single variable when having multiple checks? There must be some efficient, precise, non-redundant, readable way to do this?
I rarely use Switch statements as I find them very redundant, often taking up 3-4 lines per check where you can often get away with a simple 1-2 line check, which adds up as you do more checks.
I was just reading that Switch statements are more readable compared to if/elseif/else blocks, and I can see how it is more readable due to alignment.
I enjoy using ternary statements because it allows you to use a single variable declaration, rather than writing redundant code, but a switch statement to me seems overly redundant plus its code(line consumption) overhead.
Hacked In Enum
class eUserType
const Normal = 0;
const Admin = 1;
const Moderator = 2;
if elseif if
if ($userType == eUserType::Normal)
$info = "Normal User";
elseif($userType == eUserType::Admin)
$info = "Admin User";
elseif($userType == eUserType::Moderator)
$info = "Moderator User";
$info = false;
case eUserType::Normal:
$info = "Normal User";
case eUserType::Admin:
$info = "Admin User";
case eUserType::Moderator:
$info = "Moderator User";
$info = false;
I have never written a Ternary like this before, and went with my own whitespacing on it. It seems precise and efficient but I still find this to be very redundant with: "$userType == eUserType::". Plus I'm assuming most IDE's aren't going to handle the auto indent of code very well with this, as mine didn't (PHPStorm).
$info = $userType == eUserType::Normal ?
"Normal User" :
$userType == eUserType::Admin ?
"Admin User" :
$userType == eUserType::Moderator ?
"Moderator User" : false;
I assume that I should be wrapping this into a function/method return the $info and not care what lies inside the function?
I'm wondering if there's some great way to do something like this that I haven't yet seen yet.
Ultimately what I think I'm looking for is a hybrid of Ternary's single variable setting with a switch statement's single variable check. (Doubtful it exists, but why not ask?)
Edit: I know that there's surely a way to use reflection to make this code dynamic if following a rigid pattern, but I used the data being set to $info as simple example data rather than the complex objects I'm working with. I'm thinking I'll end up tossing these checks into the User Class for any possible reusability.
How about using an array?
$labels = array(
eUserType::Normal => "Normal User",
return isset($labels[$userType]) ? $labels[$userType] : false;
Yeah, it's possible with Reflection too (I wouldn't go this way though, you can't localize your strings this way):
$class = new ReflectionClass('eUserType');
$key = array_search($userType, $class->getConstants());
return ($key !== false) ? sprintf('%s User', $key) : false;