I have a somewhat complex directory structure for NetCDF files I want to create a THREDDS catalog for.
But I have found that the regExp attribute in both datasetScan and aggregation/scan elements does not seem to be able to handle subdirectories using regExp. For example this catalog entry works.
<datasetScan name="All TEST REALTIME" ID="all_test_realtime" path="/All/Realtime"
location="/data/buoy/B0122" >
<metadata inherited="true">
<include regExp="realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
<include wildcard="*.nc" />
<!-- exclude directory -->
<exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />
But the following does not. No datasets are found.
<datasetScan name="All TEST REALTIME" ID="all_test_realtime" path="/All/Realtime"
location="/data/buoy" >
<metadata inherited="true">
<include regExp="B0122/realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
<include wildcard="*.nc" />
<!-- exclude directory -->
<exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />
This is a greatly simplified example done just to confirm that regExp does not match subdirectories which is implied at the bottom of this ncML page. http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/netcdf-java/ncml/v2.2/AnnotatedSchema4.html
My real goal is to use ncML aggregation via <scan regExp="">
Should I be using FeatureCollections? These are pretty simple time series buoy observation files.
<include regExp="[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{4}" atomic="false" collection="true" />
<include wildcard="realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
<include wildcard="post-recovery" atomic="false" collection="true" />
<include wildcard="*.nc" />
<!-- exclude directory -->
<exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />