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regExp for matching directories

I have a somewhat complex directory structure for NetCDF files I want to create a THREDDS catalog for.


But I have found that the regExp attribute in both datasetScan and aggregation/scan elements does not seem to be able to handle subdirectories using regExp. For example this catalog entry works.

<datasetScan name="All TEST REALTIME" ID="all_test_realtime" path="/All/Realtime"
   location="/data/buoy/B0122" >
  <metadata inherited="true">
    <include regExp="realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
    <include wildcard="*.nc" />
    <!-- exclude directory -->
    <exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />

But the following does not. No datasets are found.

<datasetScan name="All TEST REALTIME" ID="all_test_realtime" path="/All/Realtime" 
  location="/data/buoy" >
  <metadata inherited="true">
    <include regExp="B0122/realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
    <include wildcard="*.nc" />
    <!-- exclude directory -->
    <exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />

This is a greatly simplified example done just to confirm that regExp does not match subdirectories which is implied at the bottom of this ncML page.

My real goal is to use ncML aggregation via <scan regExp="">

Should I be using FeatureCollections? These are pretty simple time series buoy observation files.


  • <filter>
      <include regExp="[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{4}" atomic="false" collection="true" />
      <include wildcard="realtime" atomic="false" collection="true" />
      <include wildcard="post-recovery" atomic="false" collection="true" />
      <include wildcard="*.nc" />
      <!-- exclude directory -->
      <exclude wildcard="old" atomic="false" collection="true" />