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How to create a <select> element with polymer-dart repeat

I am trying to iterate a list to create a select drop-down box. My code is shown below as a web component

<!DOCTYPE html>
<polymer-element name="epimss-name">
    <label for='titleCmbo' id='titleLbl'>Title</label>

    <template repeat="{{title in titleList}}">
      <select id='titleCmbo'>
        <option value='{{title}}'>{{title}}</option>

  <script type="application/dart">

    import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';

    @CustomTag( 'epimss-name' )
    class NameElement extends PolymerElement
      final List<String> titleList = toObservable([ '', 'Dr', 'Miss', 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Prof'  ]);

  </script> </polymer-element>

As the code is, it creates a separate combo for each iteration. If I move the tags outside of the nested template, the editor complains.

What is the proper way to do this?



  • You can use the template attribute on the option tag. It will repeat the option element and loop value for each item in the template collection.

    <select id="titleCmbo">
      <option value="{{title}}" template repeat="{{title in titleList}}">