Suppose that I define some function, then make a change of variable and expand, as in the following lines:
declare(a,real); declare(k,real); declare(z,real);
myFun(a,k,z):=(1-1/2*((k-a)/2)^2)*z - 1 + 1/2* ((k+3*a)/2)^2;
What I would like to do now is to obtain a polynomial in k, i.e. collect the terms in each power of k with one command so that it shows something like:
(...)k^2 + (...)k + (...)
declare(a,real); declare(k,real); declare(z,real);
myFun(a,k,z):=(1-1/2*((k-a)/2)^2)*z - 1 + 1/2* ((k+3*a)/2)^2;
P: expand(%);
rat(P, k);
2 2 2
(%o7)/R/ - (((x1 - 2 x1 + 1) z - 9 x1 - 6 x1 - 1) k
2 2
+ ((2 x0 x1 - 2 x0) z - 18 x0 x1 - 6 x0) k + (x0 - 8) z - 9 x0 + 8)/8
returns each of the coefficients
coeff(P, k^2);
2 2
x1 z x1 z z 9 x1 3 x1 1
(%o8) - ----- + ---- - - + ----- + ---- + -
8 4 8 8 4 8