I have main repository and 12 subrepositories in it. .hgsub
contains mappings of local paths and repository hosting URLs. Besides default pull/push URLs for subrepositories, I need to be able to push each subrepository to another server as a standalone repository. So, I add new path alias in .hg/hgrc
of each subrepository.
The problem is that aliases are not save anywhere except my local machine, so when I do clean clone of main repository, this aliases are gone and I need to setup them again.
Can I permanently save this path aliases in repository configuration file or maybe there's some workaround for this?
I think the best option available to you is to keep a .hgrc snippet in place in the parent repository filled with [subpaths]
entries. For example create subpaths.hgrc
as a tracked file in your repository:
repoa = http://remote/path/to/repo/a
repob = http://remote/path/to/repo/b
Then when you want to initialize those repositories you add this line to your clone's .hg/hgrc
%include ../subpaths.hgrc
and then comment it out when you want the repoa and repob paths being their usual, local selves.