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Wrapping a MUTT email inside of another MUTT email (Journaling)

hey guys I've been trying to wrap my head around this for a couple days and am just losing it here, I am trying to journal a message, which (to us) means we take a typical responsive email, with your typical to / from and other special header, wrap THAT (as a file attachment) inside of ANOTHER email, which we send off to our DB.

The heart of my question is then, how would I wrap an email (with headers) inside of another email? Would I be required to write out the initial (inner) email to file first and add that through MUTT as an attachment? Could I write the attachment without creating a file? I have a stub of how I think it should work?

function assemble()
    declare -a argAry=("${!1}")
    echo -e "${argAry[@]}"  -- $2 |sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ \{1,\}/ /g"

function generate()
  tai64=`date| tai64n |cut -c2-25`
  uuid4=`python  -c 'import uuid; print uuid.uuid4()'`

  # return variable as generated string
  echo "${hname}-${tai64}-${uuid4}'"

function send()

  attach='' # can't [] && || for some reason
  [ '1' == ${ARGS[0]} ] && attach="-e 'my_hdr"

  local hdrsTable=(
    "${attach} To:                     ${ARGS[1]}'\n"
    "${attach} From:                   ${ARGS[2]}'\n"

    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-SITE-URL:      ${ARGS[3]}'\n"
    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-MEDIA-TYPE:    ${ARGS[4]}\n"
    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-DIRECTION:     ${ARGS[5]}\n"
    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-CAPTURE-DATE:  `date`\n"
    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-POST-DATE:     `date`\n"
    "${attach} X-DOMAIN-UTID:          `generate`\n"
    `[ -a $FILE ] && echo -a $FILE`

  if [ '0' == $ARGV[0] ]; then
    FILE="/tmp/$(basename $0).$$.tmp"
    assemble hdrsTable[@] >> "/tmp/${FILE}" # create the temporary file to hold stuff?
    assemble hdrsTable[@] $1

ARGS=("0" "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "" "archiver" "out")

ARGS=("0" "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "" "archiver" "out")
send '[email protected]'


  • Basically, you have to construct a "multipart/mixed" email message with a "message/rfc822" part that holds the email you want to enclose.

    inner_msg=$(cat - <<END_MSG
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: do you exist
    I am doubtful

    Then you can build the message to send:

    boundary="this is the boundary: $$-$(date +%s)"
    msg=$(cat - << END_MSG
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: I contain a message
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$boundary"
    Mime-Version: 1.0
    This is a multipart message in MIME format.
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
    This is the body of the 'container' message.
    The email attachment follows.
    Content-Type message/rfc822
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="attached_email.eml"

    You can now send "$msg" using whatever mechanism you choose:

    echo "$msg" | sendmail -oi -t

    (this is untested and may be buggy)