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How do combine a class selector with an attribute selector? (logical AND -- must satisfy both conditions)

I have the following HTML:

<a href="somelink.htm" class="button columns large-6">wide button</a>
<a href="somelink.htm" class="button columns large-3">narrow button</a>

I've tried using an attribute selector and combining it with the button class but it doesn't work as expected.

.button.[class*="large-"] {
    font-size: 0.9em;

Am I using this correctly and if not, how?


  • You don't need the second period, unlike JavaScript the [class*="large-"] isn't compiled to return the found-string, it's simply evaluated as-is:

    .button[class*="large-"] {
        font-size: 0.9em;

    JS Fiddle demo.