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Enterprise Support in VB6, FileCopy Issue

Firmware Engineer currently doing Enterprise bug hunting. Ok here's the issue: The program runs in windows XP/7 written in VB6. The program can add attachments to part numbers (which are keys in a database.) It adds attachments through the common file dialog window. Then it copies the file chosen to a specific place on the network drive with FileCopy. If a user decides to copy from a folder on his desktop instead of a file on his desktop he cannot delete the folder because Windows 7 throws the "the file/folder is in use by another program." This issue happens if the Program is not closed every time and sometimes (?? why only sometimes ??) after the Program is closed until the machine is rebooted. I'm sure there is a good way of handling this, because other programs do it all the time without issue, I just don't know what that appropriate way is. Also I "found" a registry edit that fixes the issue, fixes like that are not appropriate.

Alright the code is below. Yes I'm aware that its an ugly mess and no I don't need a reminder on that. I'm not trying to ask people to do my homework, I just legitimately need some help on the VB6/Windows side of things.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Command1_Click_Error
Dim File_To_Copy As String
Dim File_To_Copy_Path As String
Dim strTargetF As String
Dim filethere As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim Type_Of_Part As String
Dim Long_File_To_Read As String
Dim File_To_Read As String
Dim pointer_to_remote As Long
Dim another_pointer_to_remote As String
Dim wnet_return_val As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim File_To_Write As String
Dim revert_to_self_return_val As Boolean
Dim Output_File_Var
Dim Input_File_Len
Dim temp_str As String

Me.txtComp.Text = Global_Company_Name
CommonDialog1.InitDir = "c:\"
If Len(Trim(Global_Part_Var)) = 5 Then
    Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_A"
    Type_Of_Part = Mid(Global_Part_Var, 1, 3)
    If Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_B" Then
        Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_C"
    End If
End If
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
File_To_Copy = CommonDialog1.FileTitle
File_To_Copy_Path = CommonDialog1.FileName
If Err = cdlCancel Then
    Exit Sub
End If
If File_To_Copy = "" Or IsNull(File_To_Copy) Or File_To_Copy = Empty Then
    Exit Sub
End If

strTargetF = File_To_Copy
'runasuser copy will not allow a path and file longer than 76 characters total..including drive and extension
If Len(File_To_Copy_Path) > 76 Then
    DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_TOO_LONG) & CStr(Len(File_To_Copy_Path)) & vbCr & File_To_Copy_Path
    Exit Sub
End If
fPath = PartsLinkPath & Type_Of_Part & "\" & Trim(Global_Part_Var) & "\" & "FAI_" & Company & "_" & lineinc
If Not (Mid(fPath, (Len(fPath)), 1) = "\") Then
    fPath = fPath & "\"
End If
If Not DirExists(fPath) Then
    Dim FolderToCreate
    FolderToCreate = "Obscure_Proprietary_Business_Process_Name_" & Global_Company_Name & "_" & lineinc
    RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""mkdir """ & _
        PartsLinkPath & Type_Of_Part & "\" & Trim(Global_Part_Var) & "\" & FolderToCreate, "c:\"
    revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
End If
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND    'wait for folder to be created
revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)

'If the file is on the User's share on the H:\ drive, first copy it into C:\temp
If StrComp(UCase(Left(File_To_Copy_Path, 2)), "H:") = 0 Then
    If Not DirExists(TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR) Then 'If C:\temp does not exist then create it
        Dim temp_folder
        temp_folder = TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR
        RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""mkdir "" " & _
            TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR, "c:\"
        revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
        Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND    'wait for folder to be created
    End If
    temp_str = TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR & File_To_Copy
    If FileExists(temp_str) Then 'delete the file from C:\temp if it exists
        Kill temp_str
    End If

    FileCopy File_To_Copy_Path, temp_str
    Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND    'wait for file to be copied
    File_To_Copy_Path = temp_str
End If

If IsNull(filethere) Or filethere = "" Then
    Long_File_To_Read = File_To_Copy_Path
    File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(File_To_Copy_Path, True)
    If Left(File_To_Read, 2) Like "[F-Z][:]" Then
        pointer_to_remote = lBUFFER_SIZE
        another_pointer_to_remote = another_pointer_to_remote & Space(lBUFFER_SIZE)
        wnet_return_val = WNetGetConnection32(Left(File_To_Read, 2), another_pointer_to_remote, pointer_to_remote)
        temp = Trim(another_pointer_to_remote)
        File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1) + Right(File_To_Read, Len(File_To_Read) - 2), True)
    End If
    File_To_Copy_Path = Long_File_To_Read
    If File_To_Copy_Path = "" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Input_File_Len = FileLen(File_To_Copy_Path)
    File_To_Write = ParseOutputFilename("", File_To_Copy_Path)
    Output_File_Var = fPath & "\" & File_To_Write
    RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""copy " + _
        File_To_Read + " """ + fPath + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + _
        "\" + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + File_To_Write + """""", "c:\"
    Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND        'wait for file to copy over
    filethere = fPath & strTargetF
    filethere = Dir(filethere)
    OpenFormYesNo = True
    FormYesNo.lblMsgbox.Caption = strTargetF & GetLangString(STRING_ALREADY_EXISTS)
    FormYesNo.Visible = True
    FormFAIData.ZOrder 0
    FormYesNo.ZOrder 0
        If (FormCount("FormYesNo") > 0) Then
            If (Screen.ActiveForm.Name <> "FormYesNo") And (OpenFormYesNo = True) Then
            End If
        End If
        Sleep SLEEP_TIME
    Loop While FormCount("FormYesNo") > 0 And (OpenFormYesNo = True)
    FormFAIData.ZOrder 0
    If YesNo = vbYes Then
        Long_File_To_Read = File_To_Copy_Path
        File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(File_To_Copy_Path, True)
        If Left(File_To_Read, 2) Like "[F-Z][:]" Then
            pointer_to_remote = lBUFFER_SIZE
            another_pointer_to_remote = another_pointer_to_remote & Space(lBUFFER_SIZE)
            wnet_return_val = WNetGetConnection32(Left(File_To_Read, 2), another_pointer_to_remote, pointer_to_remote)
            temp = Trim(another_pointer_to_remote)
            File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1) + Right(File_To_Read, _
                Len(File_To_Read) - 2), True)
        End If
        File_To_Copy_Path = Long_File_To_Read
        If File_To_Copy_Path = "" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Input_File_Len = FileLen(File_To_Copy_Path)
        File_To_Write = ParseOutputFilename("", File_To_Copy_Path)
        Output_File_Var = fPath & "\" & File_To_Write
        RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""copy " + _
            File_To_Read + " """ + fPath + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + _
            "\" + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + File_To_Write + """""", "c:\"
        Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND            'wait for file to be copied
        filethere = fPath & strTargetF
        filethere = Dir(filethere)
        DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_USER_ENDED)
    End If
End If
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)
Dim Output_File_Len
Output_File_Len = FileLen(Output_File_Var)
Close 'Close all open files
If Not Input_File_Len = Output_File_Len Then
    DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_NOT_COPIED)
    DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_FILE_COPIED)
End If
Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure Command1_Click of Form Purposely_Changed_Form_Name"
End Sub

Edit: Added source code. Second edit, fixed a variable name. Third edit, removed "Close #fileno" statement (which was wrong), added Close statement at end, and removed "On error Resume Next" statement.


  • @jac, you're right it is a problem with Common Dialog. Looking into a related problem, I found an answer here:

    The fix is to call ChDir("C:\my_favorite_file_path") when the Procedure exits. Windows will apparently lock a folder that you searched in if its the current working directory. To get around this you simply have to change the current working directory.

    Thanks for all your help @jac, VB6 support for line of business applications definitely isn't my forte, but it looks like I'm going to be doing alot of it in the coming year or two.

    edit: formatting