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Finding the preferred application for a given file extension via unix shell commands

this may not be strictly about programming, but if I find no ready-made solution it may become a programming task: On UNIX, what is a command-line method for determining the user-preferred application for a given filetype?

My ideal solution here would be a command that stopped me having to do the following:

okular foo.pdf

And allowed me to do something like this, working with my set preferred applications:

launch foo.pdf

I found no answer by searching, and a DIY approach wouldn't work as, while I've been using Linux for a while, I have no clue of the internals that manage my preferred applications.


  • On unix per se that would be the one the user used to open it, because there is no OS level notion of a preferred application.

    However the major X desktop environment all define such a notion, and then you have to use their facilities:

    • gnome-open in GNOME (duh)
    • exo-open in XFCE [see the comments in the gnome link]
    • xdg-open may work in many environments (reputedly works in KDE) [see the comments in the gnome link]
    • just plain kfmclient exec (or kfmclient4 exec) in KDE (I haven't been able to find a reference to kde-open as Rob H suggests, and don't have a KDE system at hand to try it)

    Now Mac OS X provides the open command which works like clicking the file in the finder (which is to say, it asks the OS...)

    Several corrections thanks to ephemient in the comments. I won't discuss mailcap, because I never understood it and had forgotten it existed...