I've seen the new navbar control in winJs 2.0 for windows 8.1, is fantastic an simple.
But how did they develop the weather app navbar in windows 8? I mean the nice big squared buttons instead of the small round ones?
The only way I found is to have an appbar and don't use any AppBarCommands (because I can't find a way to change the shape of those) but only divs and do all the styling manually.
Is that the only solution or is it possible to square the circle?
I found it myself in the end, changing those classes can change entirely the style of the AppBarCommand:
CSS class Description
win-command Styles the entire AppBarCommand.
win-commandicon Styles the icon box for the AppBarCommand.
win-commandimage Styles the image for the AppBarCommand.
win-commandring Styles the icon ring for the AppBarCommand.
win-label Styles the label for the AppBarCommand.
for example to square the circle:
.win-appbar .win-commandring
border-radius: 0;
.win-appbar:hover .win-commandring
border-radius: 0;
It's a hard job to ovverride all the default behaviour but it can be done.
Have a look at this for an example of the main styles: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj839733.aspx