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How do I check for nulls reliably in C#

How do I check for nulls reliably in C#, including when overloading the operators == and !=?

class MyClass
    public static bool operator ==(MyClass a, MyClass b) { return false; }
    public static bool operator !=(MyClass a, MyClass b) { return true; }

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        MyClass x = new MyClass();
        MyClass y = null;
        if (x != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(x.ToString()); }
        // Next line throws a NullReferenceException
        if (y != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(y.ToString()); }

I know the following options are available:

  • x != null Not reliable when overloading operators.
  • null != x Not reliable when overloading operators.
  • (x ?? null) != null The type still is MyClass, so it isn't reliable when overloading operators.
  • object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) Should be ok.
  • x.Equals(null) Won't work (of course, since we call a method on x, which can be null)
  • object o = x; o != null should use object's operator !=, so it should work.
  • Something else?

So, which method is the best in terms of reliability, speed, readbility, and which is the most idiomatic? Does Microsoft recommend any method in their documentation/coding standards/whatever?


  • You can use the static ReferenceEquals method of System.Object.

    That's the technically correct solution. What you should do however, is to let your supplier of said class know that it is a buggy piece of shit and you won't work with it. It should not be your responsibility to fix other peoples bugs. It's enough work to fix one's own bugs.