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IsPostBack always false after button click

On my pages onLoad() function I'm disabling all controls on the page in the following manner

var form = document.getElementById("form1");
var elements = form.elements;
for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) {
    elements[i].disabled = true;
document.getElementById('btnReactivate').disabled = false;

I need one button on the page enabled (btnReactivate above). The problem I'm having is that anytime I click the button and step into the Page_Load event Page.IsPostback is always false And the onclick event in the code behind also doesn't fire. The button is created

<asp:Button runat="server"  ID="btnReactivate" Text="btnReactivate" onclick="btnReactivate_Click" width="80px" meta:resourcekey="btnReactivateResource1"  />

and the event handler as so

protected void btnReactivate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

It's might be also worth mentioning that I've tried disabling the forms elements in a few different ways including just looping through in Input controls rather than all elements


  • I think this happens because disabled controls are not posted back to the server (thus preventing detection of the postback).

    You should make the controls Readonly. Or re-enable them client-side just before posting.


    Disabled controls cannot be successful.


    Read-only elements may be successful.