I am getting all contacts for a user using Google API
$req = new Google_HttpRequest("https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full?max-results=10000")
From all the responses the Array for phone number and address is like this
Array ( [0] => 12345 [1] => 33453 [2] => 4444 [3] => 123 [4] => 3444 [5] => 444 [6] => 3242 [7] => 2342 ) [gdpostalAddress] => Array ( [0] => ABC 3 kjh, kjh, k jhk j [1] => DEF 3 kjh, kjh, k jhk j ) )
So I am getting Index numbers instead of something like OFFICE, HOME
Any solution for that?
Not possible in Current Google API..You can check the documentation for further reference as well