I have ancestry tree in my app.
I want to implement uniqueness for records only on the same level.
let me explain
#<Folder id: 1, title: "folder1", ... ancestry: nil>,
#<Folder id: 2, title: "folder2", ... ancestry: "1">,
#<Folder id: 3, title: "folder3", ... ancestry: "1/2">
if i want to to create folder (:title => 'folder2', :ancestry => '1')
it should raise an error title is olready taken
but if i create folder (:title => 'folder2', :ancestry => nil or "1/2")
it should create new record.
probably someone have this problem, and can give advice or answer
(in ancestry method @elem.siblings returns all records on @elem level)
The uniqueness validator can accept a scope
validates_uniqueness_of :title, :scope => :ancestry
It will now validate that title us unique amongst records with the same ancestry value.