I recently discovered the .NET Contracts API, and, although I don't like the way of implementation using methods and not an extended syntax (Sing# did it right, in my opinion), I prefer using them over the old / regular way using if's for e.g. null-checking.
I'm also approaching my first Contract.Ensures-calls and I stumbled over the question how we would deal with Exceptions in a method containing a Contract.Ensures that suffered from an exception while running?
The word Contract.Ensures kinda feels like I have to handle the exceptions inside the method and get my class into correct state again, but what if I couldn't?
Let's say we have this class here:
public class PluginManager
private ILoadedFromAtCompileTimeUnknownAssembly extension;
public bool IsFinished { get; private set; }
public void Finish()
this.IsFinished = true;
can we use Contract.Ensures to ensure IsFinished is true after the method completed?
Yes. Ensures basically means "Ensures if the method terminates normally", i.e. without exceptions.