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Installing the Jasper WAR file manually

I am trying to install the jasper WAR file manually for the community edition on a Tomcat server on Unix OS. I am following the steps from the documentation skipping the sample databases.

  1. js-ant create-js-db

  2. js-ant init-js-db-ce

  3. js-ant import-minimal-ce

  4. js-ant deploy-webapp-ce

I am able to successfully build the first two steps however step 3 fails. Here is the complete log

Are there any configurations that are needed prior to this build that I am missing? Any help is appreciated!


  • I have done WAR installation on windows machine , see if this could help you:-

    Download the following files:-

    1. The WAR file distribution comes in file named in the compressed ZIP format. Download the WAR distribution file from .

    2. Download the JDBC driver, mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar

    After downloading WAR file download Apache Tomcat exe file and install on your system. There are two way to install JasperReport server by manually or auto, but we are installing it manually. Before start installing you need to set JAVA_HOME environment variable on your system.

           JAVA_HOME="path of jdk folder"
     e.g: JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\jdk1.7.0_01

    To install the WAR file distribution using the manual buildomatic steps:-

    1- If you’re using MySQL, place a MySQL JDBC driver in


    2- Start database (MySQL) server.

    3- Stop your Application server(Apache tomcat).

    4- Copy file from


    and paste it to

       <js-install>/buildomatic and rename it to

    5- Edit file and change the setting of database server and application server according to your system.

    6- Open a Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows and go to buildomatic directory of JasperReport server and run these commands:-

    a:-  js-ant create-js-db        (Creates the JasperReports Server repository database)
    b:-  js-ant create-sugarcrm-db  (Optional) Creates the sample databases
         js-ant create-foodmart-db
    c:-  js-ant load-sugarcrm-db    (Optional) Loads sample data into the sample databases
         js-ant load-foodmart-db
         js-ant update-foodmart-db
    d:-  js-ant init-js-db-ce                      
         js-ant import-minimal-ce    

    (Initializes the jasperserver database, loads core application data. Running js-ant import-minimal-ce is mandatory. The server cannot function without this data)

    e:- js-ant import-sample-data-ce (Optional) Loads the demos that use the sample data

    f:- js-ant deploy-webapp-ce Configures and deploys the WAR file to Tomcat

    Start the application serve.

    You can see the post Here