first I apologize for my pure language skills. I have a system based on debian. I disable all virtual terminal in /etc/inittab file except tty1. In tty1 I run xinit (that uses xterm for X client) and then on X window that opens I run my program.
the bad thing is when user press alt+ctrl+Fn, system switchs to a black page. but I want disable this feature.
how can I disable alt+ctrl+Fn shortcuts?!
Thank you...
Solution: thanks from Klaas van Gend for his answer. I wrote the complete solution in this place. I go to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/srvr_ctrl and delete all line in xkb_symbols “fkey2vt” block. then all alt+ctrl+Fn disapear. attention: This solution works when you want to disable shortcuts in X. but if you want disable this shortcuts in terminal mode, this solution doesn't work.
you can remove the function keys from the keymap. See e.g.