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Write file in real time with C

How may I write data into a file in real time? I mean: A program gets data and puts them into a file (we can say out.txt) with a fprintf(...) command, then another program read data from the file (out.txt) and elaborates them.

I have a flow like this:


    while(...) {


    fprintf (fp,"\n %s", data);



With that flow I get data into the file (out.txt) after I have closed the file.

Is there a way to write data in real time into the file?


  • I suspect you mean simultaneously when you say in real time. Simultaneous access to a file requires to open a shared file. This may be a pipe or some other interprocess communication. It may also be a simple file on disk, as asked for. Windows allows to open a shared file by means of _fsopen.

    #include <share.h> // required for manifest constants for shflag parameter.
    fp = _fsopen("out.txt","w+",_SH_DENYWR); // e.g. _SH_DENYWR denies write access
    while(...) {

    Another process can read the file while it is open; no need to close the file beforehand. The other process may even write (with shflag = _SH_DENYNO). However, writing and reading simultaneously from different processes requires some more coding effort.

      fprintf (fp,"%s\n", data); // you may want to have the /n "new line" after writing the data

    Not all the written content is always immedeately written to the file (physically). Therefore it is required to force the content to be writen to the file after the fprintf.

      fflush(fp); // force writing to device    