I have a column XMLRECORD
of XML
type in a table called ABCD
My records contain:
<row id="100" xml:space="preserve">
<row id="90" xml:space="preserve">
I am trying to compare the two nodes of this XMLRECORD
using the query
WHERE XMLRECORD.exist(N'/row[c9/text() < c10/text()]') = 1
When executed in SQL Server it displays both the records doing the ASCII compare. How to force the SQL Server to go for a numeric compare?
you can convert it to number inside xpath:
select *
from ABCD
where xmlrecord.exist('/row[number((c9/text())[1]) < number((c10/text())[1])]') = 1
or compare values:
select *
from ABCD
where xmlrecord.value('(/row/c9/text())[1]', 'int') < xmlrecord.value('(/row/c10/text())[1]', 'int')